Whitehouse Farm Sewage disposal proposal

The East Broyle Residents’ Association has drawn our attention to an Exhibition of proposals by Southern Water for a sewage pipeline and associated infrastructure to serve Whitehouse Farm and other strategic development locations in Chichester prior to the company’s application to West Sussex County Council for planning permission.

Under the intended outline planning consent for Phase 1 development of Whitehouse Farm, its developers retain the choice to ask for detailed planning consent either for a Southern Water pipeline (and associated pumping stations/structures) or for an onsite sewerage treatment plant with discharge into the Hook Dyke and chalk stream water system (as approved in principle by the Environment Agency).

The route is expected to run through Whitehouse Farm from a pumping station etc development by the public footpath to Fishbourne (in the cultivated field near the iron bridge), across Centurion Way somewhere near St Paul’s Road, into East Broyle somewhere and along Norwich Road before heading off through north/east Chichester towards Westhampnett and eventually Tangmere.

The Exhibition will be in the ‘Old Court Room’ at Chichester City Council’s offices in North Street on both Friday 15th September from 2-7pm and on Saturday 16th September from 10am-12.30pm.

Do drop in if you can, to find out the implications and show Southern Water people are interested (particularly if you enjoy Whitehouse Farm for walking). This is the first opportunity to get first-hand information from the utility provider and understand what it might mean for local people (and wildlife, and archaeology) both during construction and in long-term operation. Our feedback is likely to be included in its planning application.

By Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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