Chichester Vision Consultation

First of all we recommend that you read the draft Chichester Vision document plus all supporting documents, and then respond to the survey. Chichester Vision Consultation Draft [pdf 2Mb](Opens in a new window) Comparative Town And City Studies [pdf 1Mb](Opens in a new window) Student Research Report [pdf 5Mb](Opens in a Read more…

The 2017 Committee

At the AGM on Saturday 14th January 2017, the following people were elected to serve on the WGRA Committee: Chairman: Dr Richard Brownfield Proposed: Vaughan Lowe Seconded: Penny Tomlinson Secretary: Colin Hicks Proposed: Richard Brownfield Seconded: Sally Lowe Treasurer: Vince Waldron Proposed: Rosy Turner Seconded: Paula Street Brian Bird Proposed: Read more…

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